best way for good health

our mother NATURE has given all that is needed for the betterment of humanity like food, shelter,clothing(materials that could be used) and all remedial measures for keeping our good health(in the form of plants,minerals etc.)in fact all plants  are  actually  big chemical laboratories, though we give the same nourishment for them they prepare different substances to be used by us for keeping our good health.
                        AYURVEDA plays an important role in this ,it has identified all the substances present in NATURE  and recommended  remedies for the better health of was existing since the last several thousands of years. in AYURVEDA there is a special method of preparing and preserving the remedies-known as   KUPPIKATLU  which will be appearing like rocks but will be ever effective over centuries also.for example POORNA CHANDRODAYAM,BALA CHANDRODAYAM, VASANTHA KUSUMAKARAM etc.
.                         here i may have to narrate a funny story about kuppikatlu. one ayurvedic practitioner had three kuppikatlu  which he seems to be using for treating for almost all ailments of his patients  by simply changing the ANUPANAM,  no one in his family developed interest in ayurveda, so it has gone with him only, his grandson while cleaning the house found those three kuppikatlu tied in a cloth bag,as he knew that his grand father was treating all the ailments of the villagers with those three kuppikatlu, he developed interest  to use them with the aim of making good money as they could be used to treat  several chronic ailments, but he had no knowledge about them, so he contacted one  Ayurveda practitioner (my brother) but he too could not identify them even after consulting several  practitioners. so i took them to an Ayurveda College  and contacted the Principal for their identification, to my surprise he told that they appear to be rocks and that i should contact an Archialogist ,after telling that they are not rocks but Ayurveda remidies  in the form of kuppikatlu then he called the head of Rasayana sastram who came and told that there is reference of kuppikatlu i in the literature and that they  do not have any knowledge about them  and asked us if we give them he will keep them in the college museum.such is the knowledge in the Ayurveda College and that is why Ayurveda is being looked down without getting its due that the medical fraternity is developing interest in researching the efficacy of Ayurveda remedies.if that was done in the earlier days we would have been very healthy by using Ayurveda remedies, now Ayurveda remedies are being researched for the cure of CORONA also  i hope it will come out with success. so it is better if we the Indians  develop interest  even now in our own Ayurveda ,it may take some long time to get the cure as compared to our modern Allopathy but the cure  will be permanent and the important thing is there will be no side effects in Ayurveda (except in some rare remedies)as against Allopathic remedies.


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